Water Purification

Water is life. Without water you would die. When I was young I learned that the human body is about 90% water. Keeping water clean is a priority for the human race. The oceans, the rivers and underground water. Human waste must be collected and treated before being returned to the water table.
As populations grow the stress on municipalities to provide water has increased. I live in the Boston area. In the 1980's the state of Massachusetts set up the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) to help clean up Boston Harbor and provide water. They connected most of the Boston area to a sewerage system. All human waste is sent to a central facility on Deer Island. The cost of people's water has skyrocketed ever since. Like a lot of things, water can also be a weapon to control people. This is some of my ideas on providing clean water. Like a lot of my ideas I try to make them maintenance free and free of cost to stop people from using them as a weapon.
In the future houses and small apartment buildings should have two sources of water. One for drinking and cooking and one for general use such as washing dishes, washing clothes, bathing etc. The drinking water can be extracted from the air with a dehumidifier and then distilled to make it perfectly clean. The dehumidifier would be the size of a refrigerator and be put in the kitchen or some where near it. If the air is too dry to provide enough it could be made from the other source. Distilling water is time consuming so it should be kept to only what you drink and cook with. Most of dehumidifier could be made of glass and put in the dishwasher.
The other source can either be a well or rain water. In a pinch water could be bought and delivered like heating oil is today. Both well water and rain water can have problems that need fixing. Rain water can be acid and have dirt from the roof. Well water can have all kinds of problems.
Future small buildings should be built with a chase from the attic floor to the basement ceiling. I have a number of reasons for this. There should be no wires in the walls. Any wire can be used as an antenna. And as a rule the longer the piece of wire the more sensitive it is. When you are in a building with wires in the walls you are surrounded by antennas. Anyone in the building could plug something into an outlet and draw power and use the wires as an antenna. They could be reading your thoughts so confining all wires to the chase would stop this. The chase could be lined with aluminum and grounded to earth creating a Faraday Cage. The wires themselves could be shielded. This is expensive and another reason for the chase.
Some circuits could be dedicated for the refrigerator, stove, TV etc and these could be shielded. Outside of the chase would be a shelf that holds batteries that stay plugged in on the shelf. When you want a lamp at night you take a battery off the shelf and take it to the lamp.
Solar voltaic panel wiring goes through the chase to charge batteries. They too are inside a Faraday Cage. All heating and cooling pipes are routed through the chase. This makes them easily accessible for maintenance. Another part of the chase would be used for outside air. In some places it's too dry to get water from the air. This is especially true indoors during the winter. The dehumidifier could draw air from the outside in many areas.
The general use water can be made from rain water or a well. It would be filtered and stored in the cellar. First it would go through settling tank. This allows dirt and other debris to settle. The tank would have to be emptied and cleaned every so often. Modern machinery is capable of making holes in metal that are microscopic. They can make filters out of metal that will remove very very small particles. After the settling tank there would be a series of filters with microscopic holes each with a back flush valve. When the filter gets clogged the outlet is shut off and the filter is back flushed automatically. It doesn't need paper replaceable filters and is relatively maintenance free. The next filter is a long flat piece of glass with a electro magnet above it. This can be used to remove metal such as iron. It also has a separate back flush valve. Life cannot exist if it is exposed to high concentrations of ultra violet light. After the magnet the water flows through a piece of glass and is exposed to massive UV. This kills all bacteria and viruses. It could then be filtered again to remove the dead bacteria before going to a holding tank. PH is a problem but I'm not sure it matters if it's not drinking water.
The MWRA is also responsible for sewerage. All of the sewerage in the Boston area is pumped to a facility on Deer Island where it is treated before being returned to the water table. This adds to everyone's bill from the MWRA. If you're beyond the reach of the MWRA you must have a leeching field to deposit waste. This is very expensive. I think it's possible to vaporize household waste as it is being generated. Matter cannot be created or destroyed it can only be transformed. The three states of matter are gas, liquid and solid. Some argue that plasma is the fourth state of matter. Plasma the same as a electric spark. It can be generated with extreme voltages. Extreme voltage can be stored in a super capacitor and discharged at will. If all the household waste were collected and dried it could be turned into pellets and each pellet could be vaporized individually with a spark. The water is then cleaned and reused.
This is an idea to remove metals from water on a microscopic level. The water is passed through a glass tube that is flat and shaped like a rectangle. On top there are a series of electromagnets that are energized to hold any metal to the top of the glass tube. As metal builds up the tube is backflushed by turning off the magnets and the valves and opening a different set of valves.
The electric toilet would have a pre-grind unit to grind up all waste before it enters the main holding tank. The main holding tank would have a heater to evaporate the liquid. Once the solid had dryed it would be pelletized as it was fed into the spark unit. The spark unit would be made of 2 pieces of glass. One permantly fixed to the pelletizer and have an exhaust on the opposite side. The other would rotate inside the first and have an anode and cathode attached at the top and bottom. Once the waste has entered the inside cylinder it would rotate and then it's vaporized by a spark and then rotated again to exhaust the vapor and then it repeats. The actual electric components only have to be similar to a Tesla Spark Transmitter.
I have seen pictures of spark generators going off. The spark is often concentrated in one spot. A Jacobs Ladder will move up but will not spark over the entire length of the wire all at the same time. If you wanted to use the spark to vaporize whatever is in the glass enclosure you need the spark to spread out over the entire electrode. My solution is to make the electrode out of 2 different metals. Small pieces of one type of metal would be embedded in another type of metal with a lower conductivity. When the spark is generated the current would gravitate toward the better conductive metal thus spreading the spark around.
Water can be extracted from the air unless it's too dry. This is not the case where most people live. I think it's possible to combine a de-humidifier with a water distiller and keep it like a regular household refrigerator. To remove water from the air you need to make a space that is lower in temperature with regard to the outside air and provide a surface for the water to condense on. You don't need an extreme temperature difference as provided by a freon driven machine. Most household de-humidifiers are the same thing as a refrigerator or air conditioner. They have an electric compressor, a condenser, an evaporator some valves and freon (refrigerant) Freon is a chemical that can be expensive and hard to acquire. If the corporate overlords knew what you were doing they probably wouldn't sell it to you. I don't think it would be hard to get around this. Heat always travels to where there isn't any. If it's cold outside your house the heat inside will try to get out. If it's hot outside it will try to get in. The vacuum of space is about as cold as it gets. If you made a very large glass enclosure and put it under vacuum you could use it to draw heat in a specific direction. Place a large piece of metal with a large surface area (like an electronic heat sink) on top. On top of that a baffle with fans pulling air through the bottom. The air comes up from the bottom enters the space with a lower temperature and the water condenses on the bottom of the vacuum container and drips into a pan. The pan slowly fills up and collects in a tank.
Solar water distillers already exist. Build a box and line it with plastic to hold water. The box should have a angle to it. Put a piece of glass on top so it is at an angle. At the bottom of the glass put a tray to collect water. Put water in the box and place the entire thing in the sun. The sun will slowly evaporate the water. As it does it collects on the glass. Since the glass is at angle the water drips into the tray and eventually collects in the can.